המרכז הירושלמי לעל קול
וארבע מימד 
בהנהלת ד"ר עפר תדמור


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להצטרפות לרשימת התפוצה הכנס את כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך:


Causes of umbilical Cord Masses




·         Cysts-


Vitelline duct cysts


Omphalomesenteric cyst


Allantoic cyst


Transient cyst- unknown aetiology.




·         Ubmilical cord hematoma-


This may occur spontaneously (1:5500)or may follow cordocentesis.




·         Accumulation of Wharton's jelly- This is usually of no pathological significance.


·         Hemangioma- Doppler ultrasound useful.


·         Teratoma- Rare tumor of the umbilical cord which may have cystic, solid or complex appearance on ultrasound.


·         Mucoid degeneration of the cord


·         Knot in the umbilical cord- Usually life threatening situation.


·         Umbilical vein varix- Doppler may be helpful.


·         Patent urachus-


·         Ectasia of umbilical vein


·         Angiomyxoma- Solid or complex appearance on ultrasound.



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